Enhanced Edge, LLC is a mental health counseling facility located in Dover, Delaware that provides Psychotherapy with an active physiological conditioning & measurement of progress using: QEEG Brainmapping, Neurofeedback, and Biofeedback.
What is Enhanced Edge?

Explore our different treatment modalities to learn about what is right for you. Make mental notes of any questions you may have.
Follow the link below to complete the new client pre-screening form. This will give our team the best idea of your goals. We will contact you within 48 business hours with a personalized suggestion of treatment.
Schedule and complete your intake appointment to complete a baseline physiological profile and conduct your baseline QEEG Brain Map. These results allow our trained clinicians to develop a treatment plan and conduct a 30-45min debriefing session with you.
Using your provider-created treatment plan, begin your talk therapy and Neuro/Biofeedback journey to enhancement!
Neurofeedback is a direct training of the brain that incorporates EEGs to harmonize and reinforce healthy brain function.
Biofeedback is a physiological training of the body’s response to stress to reinforce bodily control and homeostasis.
Alpha-Stim is a drug free, clinically proven treatment to alleviate anxiety, insomnia, depression, and pain.