Your brain naturally has electrical currents. The Alpha-Stim cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) device delivers a natural level of microcurrent, via small clips worn on your earlobes, through the brain to stimulate and modulate specific groups of nerve cells. The microcurrent is tiny, just millionths of an ampere, and so gentle that most people don’t even feel it.
The Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device is proven effective and safe for pain management and treatment of anxiety, insomnia, and depression. It has no lasting side effects, no risk of addiction, and no danger of interaction with medications. Alpha-Stim helps you fight both the sleepless nights and the overwhelming sadness that can make it hard to get out of bed in the morning. It relieves both your nagging lower back pain and the constant burden of stress. Results are long lasting and often immediate.
Treatments take only 20 minutes and you can use Alpha-Stim in the privacy of your own home or take it to work with you. The device is portable and the earclips are unobtrusive; you’ll look like you’re just listening to music.
Anxiety, like any emotion, happens in your brain. The brain is composed of nerve cells, or neurons, that communicate to each other using electrochemical (both electrical and chemical) signals. This electrochemical communication is what leads to thoughts, actions, and emotions, including anxiety.
When it comes to anxiety, the brain regions responsible for handling anxiety are overly-sensitive to stress. This region may even increase in size in people with anxiety. This hypersensitivity leads to imbalances in both the electrical and chemical part of the brain’s signals. In particular, the levels of a chemical called serotonin (which regulates sleep and mood) decrease. This makes it increasingly easy to become anxious, and increasingly hard to calm down. It’s a vicious cycle, a downward spiral.
Alpha-stim is a device that uses small electrical currents to stimulate certain brain regions. These currents mimic the electrical activity naturally occurring in the brain, which in turn regulates the electrical part of the brain’s electrochemical signals. This is how Alpha-Stim helps you get to a place of calm.
The whole process is called cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), and it starts working in just one, 20-minute session. Better yet, the effects of Alpha-Stim build on the progress of the last session. This is how Alpha-Stim helps users like Dakota Meyer achieve increased levels of anxiety relief over time. And, because CES does not involve any chemicals, Alpha-Stim users are free from the worry of dependence and withdrawal.
In clinical trials, patients reported an average of 61% less anxiety immediately after using the CES therapy. After 5 weeks, that average was 94%. Additionally, patients using Alpha-Stim for the treatment reported greater relief from anxiety than patients taking drugs, all without side effects.
Mood conditions like depression are controlled through electrochemical signals in your brain. When these signals aren’t functioning properly, the hormones and neurotransmitters that regulate your emotions can become unbalanced. By modulating the brain’s electrochemical signals, Alpha-Stim can safely and effectively improve your mood.
The Alpha-Stim® AID is a small, FDA cleared, prescription device that uses cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) to alleviate depression. The technology is based on an exclusive patented waveform that’s the most researched and proven of its kind in CES devices.
It is non-invasive, not painful, and you can use it in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Treatment takes just 20 minutes to an hour per day. Alpha-Stim is effective over the long- and short-term, and over time, you can decrease treatments to every other day, then just 1-3 times per week. Many people experience significant relief after a single treatment. With continued use, the effects of the Alpha-Stim brain stimulation device can be even greater, increasing cumulatively over time.
Alpha-Stim for depression is designed to help you avoid or reduce the need for medications, but it is safe to use in conjunction with prescriptions or over-the-counter medications.
People with insomnia can enjoy healthy sleep with Alpha-Stim® AID. It is an FDA cleared CES medical device used to treat chronic insomnia and improve overall sleep quality.
Alpha-Stim’s technology is based on an exclusive, patented waveform that’s the most researched and proven of its kind. The waveform passes between two electrodes clipped to your earlobes, restoring balance in your brain and reducing insomnia.
Alpha-Stim effectively combats chronic insomnia: in one sleep study, the number of subjects who reported poor quality of sleep dropped from 60% to 5%. while using the device. After only 5 Alpha-Stim insomnia treatments, military Service Members with insomnia reported an increase of 43 minutes of sleep. Surveys also shows patients feel better with Alpha-Stim than with medications when it comes to treating insomnia.