Peak Performance
Beyond clinical treatment, Neuro & Biofeedback can be used on a clinically "healthy" brain to increase cognitive and biological optimal performance. Peak performance is the objective of performance psychology, a subspecialty of psychology that applies psychological principles to improve in-the-moment performance skills.
Athletes, business professionals, performing artists, surgeons, military, emergency personnel, and other specialists that require brilliant mental and physical processing can learn how to consciously get their brains into a state of improved attention, focus, discipline and aim. This is sometimes referred to as “in the zone.”
In addition to alleviating psychological symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression) and trauma-related injuries (e.g., concussions, migraines, muscle tension) that can interfere with performance, Neurofeedback training can improve various areas necessary for peak performance: Relaxation, Focus, Agility and Timing, as well as maintaining and/or enhancing Motivation (Wilson, Peper, & Moss, 2006).
Peak performance often involves a combination of neuro and biofeedback. The electrodes and sensors are hooked up to five modalities physiologically – muscle, skin conductance, respiration, body temperature, and heart rhythm – as well as neurologically to different spots on the head depending on what is being worked on, focus or recovery. Brightly colored charts on the computer screen show the athletes their real-time responses and they learn what brainwaves are optimal for recovery and performance. The athletes learn the breathing and focusing techniques to better control these things and are given a greater awareness of where they are holding tension in their bodies and how to relax.
Who can benefit from Peak Performance training?
Peak performance can be used by anyone across many different professions and specialties. Every single person no matter the age, occupation, or goals can benefits from optimal performance training through Enhanced Edge. Peak Performance training in seen in many high level organizations like the NBA, NFL, NASA, the U.S. Military, and high level intellectual organizations.
So, how exactly does it help these individuals?
Enhance athletic potential,
Improve mental balance,
Improve concentration,
Improve brain/body harmony,
Increase reaction speed,
Perform better while under pressure.
Perform Multi-task better;
Improved abilities to study;
Improve attention;
Replenish creativity;
Fortify memory while at the workplace or in the classroom;
Absorb more of what is learned;
Better prepare for major exams;
Calm test-taking or academic exam anxiety
Maximize their high-level skills (for example musicians improve their musical memory, sharpen focus, and enhance intuitive engagement with music for overall optimum performance skills);
Perform Multi-task better;
Improve relative weaknesses so as to “polish” their abilities;
Quite a “busy” mind;
Be more resilient;
Better function at their peak;
Pursue a competitive edge
Increase their energy,
Sharpen their focus,
Improve their memory,
Maximize their health quotient,
Improve their memory,
Balance their nervous system,
Improve their heart and lung function,
Improve their health as they age
Who uses Peak Performance Biofeedback / Neurofeedback?
US Special Forces and Navy Seals training
United States Army’s Centers for Enhanced Performance
Human Performance Institute, Australian Special Forces
West Point Military Academy
The Pro golf circuit
Formula 1 teams
NASA astronaut training center
United States Olympic Training Center
English Institute of Sport (Olympic Training Center)
Canadian National Olympic Sports Centers
Norwegian Olympic Training Center
Taiwanese Olympic Team
Singapore Olympic Sports Council
Wingate Institute of Sports & Physical Education, Israel
many others…